donderdag 30 september 2010

Mijn Vriend de Meloen

Mijn Vriend de Meloen, originally uploaded by Tubish_Photo.
Should I shout at it for being sandy, eat it, or be it's friend?

To sit or not to sit...

Better not sit on this, originally uploaded by Tubish_Photo.

Eternal questions arise here...

Do I sit and ruin the composition?

Or do I not sit and take blurry shots the rest of the evening cuz my feet hurt?

donderdag 2 september 2010

Here's Tubish!!


zondag 1 augustus 2010

Do I have the answer?

No, I don't have the answer, but I can show you one:

Tubish at Soundcloud

Now if you stumble upon this blog, you might like to answer the following question:

"Tubish or not to bish?"

Answer 1: Yes please continue making music!
Answer 2: Crap m8, you should think of another carreer!
Answer 3: If you really like what you do, just keep going at it, I couldn't care less.
Answer 4: Damn dude! Where can I book you for a show?

Thanks for your time (and your answers).

1st 4 the Tubish.